Ah hey! It so awkward to say hi too. So it was officially 2 weeks after we've started our 2018. A year passed and changed,so we are still here? Yes, it is because we managed to get through all of things during 2017.To get through all of the things that we never thought we could be there. Yes, iyalah indeed everything is rahasia Tuhan. Alhamdulilah for another year and another us, if it was? Sure, why not aite? For me maybe it kind of different situation. I have been thinking around all and over again if I must tell it here and write about that here and so after days and nights I have come out to this one solution that I should write everything about what I must write. Afterall, I'm a writer. Yeah! Kinda so but not that popular like Nadia Khan or your favourite writer that you choose to spend most of the times read their book. I just write but I want to call myself a writer as writing is one of my enthusiasm.Uhm, maybe someday I will sharing of those poem and short stories that I wrote here, maybe and someday. The most of the times thinking about what I always write in my "biodata" (the thing that we do in our childhood actually--- we do write our profile and it was called as biodata to our classmates, it was fun btw! I miss all the childhood thangs). Yes! we get know each other or our friends through that thing. I always write that my hobby is reading, drawing and so on. I miss how inspired am I during the childhood and the only person that I need to be my inspiration is the one and only Mak (I miss you) and of course Abah wont be left behind because afterall I think he is the only man that I knew never hurt me. He always taking care me, cherish me and always tried the best to fulfil our need. Before going back to talk about my lesson, I should be warned you guys because maybe post for this time will be quite longer than before. Okay back to our topic which is what 2017 has thought us and maybe we learnt something sorta lesson through the year. As for me, I could sum up my 2017 as the most and probably one of the year that teach me about everything. About friend, family, love and others and I think most probably there were so many lesson that I learnt and somehow it really help me to be who am I today. There were ups and downs throughout the year and alhamdulilah because of Him and peoples surround me I have survived. Lets just go to summarization of these bcus I bet you guys so excited to know about it, right? Hhahahahhaha lol (IRL Me: They're not so excited,heyyo sedar diri sikit eh) actually I don't think that 2017 is the worst one because last year I have learnt that I can never force a person to give their heart, feeling just like what I did to them. Probably I could said that I'm used to be deeply in love by someone and I will makesure that I do everything just to makesure he noticed about me and yes maybe peoples said "Eh, apahal lah kau, relationship ni a guy that showin the efforts not the woman" but for me it kinda different. I don't even care if I am the one that need to showin up some efforts for someone that I loved. Twas sweet,right?? (PERASAN LAGI, SORRY) but afterall if it wasn't meant to be , it will never happened. Ah, lets just forget lah idk, I just don't want to talk about that anymore. I'm already move on (Move on ke?). Anything, just let the time to decide everything and for the time being just going through and live the life as usual. Last year also had thought me that strong is the doesn't mean that you cant to not be okay. Afterall, all of us just a human. We need Him and He for sure never left us like his creatures. I was diagnosed with Thalasemia disease, and to be fact I was diagnosed during my first admission on 2016 actually to be exact. Yeah, I know it might be a new word for you. Hey, chill-lah. I don't know how to explain about this disease but yeah, it is and it was real. I don't want you think that I need a sympathize because hey I'm gonna be okay and alright. To be honest, this disease kinda of I'm lack of red blood cell and I must makesure to control the foods and drinks that I consume everyday. Must makesure that all of them doesn't contain lotsa of iron but sometimes I just eat without I realize, penat doh nak baca apa punya nutrition fact everytime beli or makan something. Tu pun kalau ada fact, kalau café biasa sudah acik jual makanan nak jawab soalan kan. So, hahaha bedal kasi jalan saja. Actually during my first diagnosed it was not that bad though but the first follow-up that I go on last year make me believe this disease is currently not obeying my body anymore. It even upgraded itself without I ask it to do so, Hahahahaha. They said that it could probably showin me the effect from the inside first if they are not showin up outside and yes the doctor said and did a sorta test, and he said that my liver currently enlarged to a certain size and I don't know ini kuasa Allah. Even if the doctors cuba untuk tegakkan the fact that we probably the patient could be passed away just because of the disease, believe and remember that Only Him has the right over you. Kalau Tuhan cakap bukan belum masanya, bernafas pakai mesin pun tetap akan teruskan hidup, dengan izin Allah but if it was written that you will go in your young age, you will because Allah want you to be back to Him. Believe and believe that what He fated to be in your life in the most beautiful thing. Sakit tu cuma di dunia, bila dekat sana dah tak ada sakit sebegini rupa. Dan since I have been writing since evening till night, I think that we should take our 2017 closing chapter to another post. Sorry for that, chaw.


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