Why must we letgo something we want the most?

You may find me a bit ridiculous bc I said that why. My why isnt always stated that I assume why. Because sometimes its better to letgo the thing that we wanted the most. Perhaps it might bring harmness to your life. You might be thinking that you gonna live a happy wonderful life if the thing that you want to be always meant to be but behind everything that happens there must always be are silver lining in between. You never knew what could happen in another 10 years if that thing was meant to be. Sometimes thing only work out through letting go and going a heartbreak. Bcus everyone should know that not all heartbreak occurs in this world is meant to reck your entire life. Sometimes the worst heartbreak you are going through might led yourself to another good chapter eventhough you might said that my good chapter is if I always get someone I want the most to recognize me and be with me throughout of my life. We never knew the *gift* that was kept by Him for our future. We just pull it out through every heartbreak without we realize that we shouldnt love His creatures more than Him. But as a human, we tend to forget that He is The Only that owned us. We dont own people. We dont own anyone that we want and if you wanted to know there wasnt even a single philoshopy that said someone we love must love us back in return. Benarlah manusia selalu bilang, cinta itu buta. Tatkala jatuh cinta manusia juga mudah lupa. Lupa pada asal-usulnya, lupa pada kedudukan mencintanya dan juga lupa siapa yang dicintainya.


  1. Manusia sering dalam kealpaan, namun tatkala disakiti bilangnya Tuhan tidak pernah berlaku adil sedangkan pada hakikat yang coba untuk dinafikan Tuhan itu Maha Adil, Maha Mengetahui segalanya sekalipun yang dikunci semat di dalam hati sana, Everytime you feel loss run back always run back to Him :)


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